Right Honourable European Parliament President,
is a great pleasure writing to you again on how to make our economies
permanently more resilient and which structural reforms and financial sector
reforms can best to support growth in the EU. We are gradually returning to
growth and employment but not desired level. It is time for economic and
monetary integration in Europe as Europe’s financial sector undermine the
stability of the European financial system and the European economy as a whole.
What we need is an effective mechanisms of fiscal policy co-ordination at the
EU level, fair and sustainable taxation, effectively address the macroeconomic
and social imbalances on economic stability in the EU and the evolution of the
international monetary relations and their implications for Europe. We need to comprehensively
address the above-mentioned issues for building a more resilient and
sustainable economic and monetary union in Europe.
Right Honourable President,
coordination of fiscal policy across the Member States should play a central
role in order to ensure the correct functioning of interest rate policy in
monetary union as well as stipulating economic growth across Member States. If
we failure to implement it could lead to difficulties in the implementation of
monetary policy in the euro area as well as we won’t be able to build a more
resilient and sustainable economy in Europe. Still fiscal policies of some EU
Member States proved to be unsustainable as it limits to reduce the value of
its foreign-held public debt. The lack of fiscal policy coordination clearly
suggested the necessity of promoting more precarious economic policies in times
of economic expansion and acting for preventing the accumulation of imbalances.
Fiscal policy cordination provides the incentives for creating safety measures
that will allow an adequate reaction to significant negative shocks. Mr.
President, we are not promoting coordination of economic policy. We require to
move towards from fiscal point of view what is called medium term
objectives which is said in terms of the structural budget balance. The
structural budget balance plays a key part in the EU fiscal rules. No one
discusses what should be the overall fiscal stance of the eurozone. Do we need
fiscal stimulus at this stage in the cycle. How big the fiscal stimulus should
be? As I have said earlier two years back in my European Commission call for
papers, the driver should be at the country-specific level because each and
every country may differ in terms of private debt and the target of public
indebtedness. We need to design the fiscal stimulus at the country-specific
level that achieve fiscal consolidation across Member States as fiscal policy
coordination is positively raise tax revenue domestically. But the
recommendation of European Commission structural budget balance rule is not
country-specific. The recommendation of the European Commission are much more
binding for deficit countries particularly southern European countries than surplus
countries. The European Commission thinks Germany has structural budget surplus
but we cannot ask Germany anyway to ease fiscal policy to support European
Union growth. Last year, we saw the report on macroeconomic imbalances in
eurozone. The European Commission has pointed out that Germany had 7 percent
GDP current account surpluses in the last two years. According to the European
Commission the euro exchange rate is not in equilibrium for Germany and on the
way to rebalance. You called on Germany to reduce current account surpluses but
the fact is there is no mechanism to buying Germany to change its macroeconomic
policy. Moreover, German policy makers not agreeable this idea. It is obvious
all of these produces restricted overall policy stance and really doesn’t
adopt. As a result, we are dwindling for our growth. The whole structure of the
stability programme and fiscal compact are based on the concept of structural
budget balance as I have said earlier. Now these balance is computed from the
potential growth of the economy and the output gap of the economy. European
Commission said that the potential growth rate of the Spanish economy this year
will be -1.1 percent. The output gap was Spain is almost 3 percent. That means
the Spain budget defict last year was around 6.7 percent of GDP. It means the
structural budget balance of Spain receiving deficit by more than 4 percent of
the GDP. If you take that mechanism by the both, it tells that Spain has to
tightening the fiscal policy by more than 4 percent of GDP. Once again this is
the receipe for stagnation for the contraction in essence we are not giving
space any private for the structural reform that has to implemented in terms of
what could be the growth potential. If Spain could have an output 8 percent or
10 percent higher than this year then we could explain most of its defict and
we not need to require Spain to tighten fiscal policy. My point is if it is not
possible to change fiscal compact, then we need to talk about how to better
define the concept of the potential growth and output gaps. Output gaps would
recover slightly faster than with other SGP rules (status quo and fiscal
compact 1). So fiscal deficit countries in the European union more sensible
fiscal target. We require deficit countries to raise sufficient tax revenue to
meet the public expenditure as well as reduced deficit significantly.
The Right
Honourable President,
would like briefly talk about ECB monetary policy. The primary objective of the
ECB is price stability. The average inflation rate in the eurozone since
started Euro is exactly 2 percent. ECB done a very good job in price stability.
The point here is that on a forward looking basis the forcast is telling me the
eurozone inflation is below target while at the same time unemployment in some
of the Member States is more than 10 percent. So it is clear that ECB compare
to other central banks is not doing enough. I do not have lot of hope we can
achieve major changes in the near-term which is revisit mandate of the ECB in
delight of the treaty. Here we do not need any treaty changes. We just need to
the back entry European treaty. The primary objective of the ECB is price
stability but ECB should also contribute to the goals of the European Union.
One of the goals of the European Union is full employment. I would an argue it
should be price stability and employment. I would argue it could be maximise
employment subject to the inflation target that would make a big difference in
eurozone growth. Remember Dr. Dragi became the president of the ECB the word
unemployment was never mention in the statement of the ECB. We plenty to do in
terms of macro economic policies. We should not settle for growth rate of just
1 percent particularly because we live in a world in which external environment
is not very favourable.
Right Honourable President,
are certain missing aspects in monetary union. When we look at the
monetary union the conditions for sovereign states actually stay together and
have to do with their external balances. Monetary union is an extreme form to
fixed the exchange rate system and fixed the exchange rate system will only
work if there is external balance at least in the long-term to run as much
money flowing out of the country as money flowing in the country which deserves
means you have to commit to balance to trade. That means you can have debts and
credits, you can have external finance but eventually it would be good that
these debts are repaid not simply shifted around. This is exactly what has not
occurred in the monetary union since the beginning it has been refereed to the
original sin of the ECB. ECB had several convergence criteria none of these
mention the balance of the payment. It was deliberately on the basis of the
assumption that financial market would take care of the imbalances. It was
assumed that through the creation of the common currency money would flow from
the central to the periphery. It was also assumed this money would be
efficently invested in productive undertaking and eventually go back to the
central which is not happened. Since the beginning of the monetary union it is
very clear separation between deficit and surplus countries. These imbalances
within the eurozone have been to large extent I observed on the side of deficit
countries . This is mainly consequence of depression not a step towards recovery.
The fact that deficit countries have reduce their imports and increase their
exports. On the other side surplus counties have to reduce their exports and
increase their imports to balance but surplus countries have not increase their
imports and domestic demand. It continues to be built up of net international
investment positions and these have been fuelled, this is the case of Italy
humilated financial account inflows leading after the crisis, then we had
sudden stops of private inflows money fleeing from the periphery. What can be
done to address these issues from the risk of impairing monetary union? One
source of proposal that Haines made at Bretton Woods as International Monetary
Systems. His proposal was in fact to create clearing systems with explicit goal
of fecilitating the finance of temporary imbalances in external relations and
avoiding the build up of major imbalances. The system which is quite similar
TARGET 2 even here the idea was providing over draft to Member States that
would allow Member States to fund temporary external imbalances simply by
negative imbalances when they were imports and positive balances when they were
exports. One major difference between the clearing union of Haines and TARGET 2
is that clearing union was supposed to be restricted to the current account
wheras TARGET 2 is financing for current account and capital movements and of
course, this is one major difference. It is the fact that Haines imagined
within the clearing union only debtors countries was supposed to pay interest
on their debts and creditors countries was supposed to pay charges on their
credits. This should induce both debtors and creditors to converge towards
equilibrium from both sides. This was the basic idea. Further idea is that the
creditors are benefiting from these facilities just as the debtors because
debtors are buying more than they could otherwise afford also the creditors are
selling more than they could otherwise be able to sell. So they have the
benefit of larger markets. This is of course another major difference with
TARGET 2 where debtors countries pay and creditors countries earn in interest.
Further point is that there should be focused maximum levels of positive and
negative balances and eventually exchange rate adjustments in case of
persistent imbalances. How can we refer to these principles and reform TARGET 2
in order to respond to these principles? Of course, We live in a very different
environment with respect to post war II period where we had very tight capital
control and we do not have importance of capital movements on financial
markets. Of course, we cannot go for restricting the use of TARGET 2 imbalances
just for current account because it would create major distruptions in the
European banking system. We could do different refinancing operations according
to the purpose if we financing trade or FDI perhaps ECB could refinancing
operations almost favourable conditions to refinancing operations for movements
on capital accounts. The idea of symmetric charges could I believe applied at
TARGET 2 imbalances, of course it requires political consensus but I don’t
think it departs from the principles of treaty, imposing symmetric charges on
negative and positive TARGET 2 balances, of course, we cannot imagine imposing
limit because the fact not having limits on TARGET 2 imbalances what saved
eurozone in the first place we can perhaps impose increasing charges as country
departs from equilbrium in both directions. Last point, we don’t have the lever
of changing the rate of interest because the monetary union does not allow
adjustment of nominal exchange rate, we have adjustment of real exchange rate
but even here principle of symmetry should apply as we require deficit
countries to adopt more restricted budgetary and wage policies. We should also
effectively encourage surplus countries to adopt expansionary budgetary and
wage policies in symmetric fashion. What would be the advantage of this system
being? Very briefly, the fact of imposing sort of circulation rather holding tax
an excess reserve at ECB would stimulate money circulation. Further advantage
could be reduce external imbalances and avoid the fact of having external debts
continiously being flowed shifted around and not paid out. Counties would
converge through a cooperative mechanisms which I believe coherent with the
principles of monetary union, debtors and creditors would be freed from
deflationary pressure which of course burden for peripheral countries by
re-precaution also cause slowing growth in central countries. Creditors would
pay in proportion to the benefits that system provides to them. Trade and real
investment would have achieve and stable source of funding independent from
fluctuation of the condition of the liquidity on international markets. So it is
different kind of money. It is not a money created exogenously by ECB, It is
not a money created by market discipline, it is money created according to the
needs of commercial transactions, according to the function that has to
perform. Finally, if we have symmetric charges not simply shifting interest
from debtors to creditors we are creating a source of funding that could be
used for the purpose of international investment through the EIB or EIF.
Right Honourable President,
are many challenges for the design of fair and sustainable taxation among
Member States. Tax needs to raise enough revenue to finance public expenditure
and maintain sound public finances among Member States and most importantly
reducing fiscal deficit while doing as little harm to the economy as possible,
we need to keep administrative and compliance costs low, we need to maintain
horizontal equity across all tax payers including international tax payers, we
need to address externalities and we need to support regulatory frameworks for
pension saving, financial institutions etc. PIT remain good revenue raiser if
the policy could maintained but how to reduce disincentives. PIT increase in
all marginal rates likely to be a significant and stable source of revenue but
reduced incentives for personal savings could increase vulnerability. SSCs also
revenue raiser but how to address the demographic challenges on future role of
a second tax on earnings. Overall, PIT, SSCs and consumption taxes remain good
revenue raiser. VAT also good revenue raiser but there are concerns like
distribution, distortion and fraud. Rising economy VAT is good but falling
economy VAT is additional problem for government drag the revenue that happened
in the EU and the estmated losses are €100 Billion in March 2013. CIT will also
good revenue raisers but how to design tax on capital income in the face of tax
competition. Low CIT and PIT not only attract investment but also tax base. We
need to maintain strong revenue flows in order to reduce the Member States
fiscal deficit. We are facing wide Member States differences in fiscal
parameters. For that we need to distort investment decisions as little as
possible. We need to make most taxes fairer. We should have high tax elasticity
to attract FDI and allowance for corporate equity if it is possible. What I
believe that implementation of economic reforms by european government in terms
of its commitment and credibility to improve the business conditions and the
investment climate across the Member States and the optimal debt reduction path
are highly dependent on government commitment and credibility. We need to
increase land tax which should be a stable revenue source. It may cause a
reduction in land values which should reduce vulnerabilities by reducing
foreign borrowing to purchase land. It is possible to mitigate this risk. We
need to consider cut in tax rates on R & D, tax breaks on investment, cuts
in tax rates on job choice and human capital investment and tax breaks on
entrepreneurship for overall economic growth. If we increased taxes, output and
income decrease which eliminates part of tax revenues which increase fiscal
deficits because of lower output. I intend to conclude that our tax policy
should reduce the gap between labour costs and disposable income of workers in
the formal economy and replacement of taxes on nominal wages by increased VAT.
In addition our tax policy should compete with advanced economies and generate
more revenues.
Right Honourable President,
international monetary cooperation may be an effective determinants of growth
differentials between countriers around crisis times. ECB exchange rate
policies and of international monetary relations lagged far behind their actual
economic importance. Therefore, international monetary policy coordination is
not strong in ECB. For instance, when ECB loosens monetary policy to stimulate
domestic demand, it will result in a depreciation of the exchange rate which
can adversely affect the prospects of other countries by reducing demand for
foreign goods. When other countries engage the same policy, the policies cancel
each other out, resulting in excessive inflation but no gain in output.
Similarly, an artificially depreciated currency creates powerful pressures for
trade protection in trading partners and can threaten the very structure of
international commercial relations. An artificially appreciated currency
infecting other countries in the event of contagious currency crisis. The
mechanisms of international payments and the mechanism of restoring disturbed
equilibrium of balances are the basic problems of international monetary
relations. Thus, international monetary relations often expressed in terms of
currency clash or threats of competitive devaluation. What I believe, our
monetary policy should not take account of developments of some other countries
as it is quiet possible to detriment of our economy. If a change in our monetary
policy leads to better performance in other countries, it should have
developments on our economy, then, it is certainly be our interest. Otherwise,
there is no need for international monetary coordination. If I am not mistaken,
G7 economies monetary policies on track, thus there is no need for
international monetary coordination at present. According to me, international
monetary policy coordination is absolutely necessary around crisis times than
normal times, hence gains are very small. Moreover, it is not easy to get world
monetary policy makers to play the cooperative equilibrium as some countries
monetary policy makers do not follow good policy. I would recommend that our
monetary policy should focus more on domestic variables than international variables
for our growth and stability at present.
you very much for your kind attention Mr. President.
2, 2014
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