To: The Right Honourable British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne MP From: Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja Date: March 4, 2013 RE: Britain Losses it’s Top AAA Credit Rating and try to regain its status. Good Afternoon Mr. Chancellor. I have said so in my last writing to you on September 28, 2012 on the subject of UK Breaking Debt Rule . I informed you how long and painful the process of reducing debt would be and how your government can reduce the debt without choking of recovery and global demand. Here it was my last writing to you. “ UK keeps it top AAA credit rating because market expects that your government would keep the budget tight. But your government failed to keep the budget tight. If you lost AAA credit rating, interest rates will shoot up and UK will never be able to diminish its deficit. Indeed, UK GDP is shrinking. Therefore there will be less tax revenues to reduce fiscal deficit. But I don’t see any attempts by your government to d...

Meine Aufgabe ist es, seit 2009 weltweit führenden Politikern dabei zu helfen, die Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Weltwirtschaft, die Industrie und das Finanzwesen verändern, um die wirtschaftliche Gesamtleistung zu verbessern und sich für eine bessere internationale Politik einzusetzen. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, internationalen Führungskräften in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Finanzwesen die Fakten und Einsichten zu vermitteln, auf die sie ihre politischen Entscheidungen stützen können.