To put things into perspective, Nagorno-Karabakh is not an independent entity but an occupied territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and is recognised by the international community and the UN. The fact that the Armenian Prime Minister's son is doing his military service in the Armenian army located in Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh and started an undeclared war against Azerbaijan, occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent regions of Azerbaijan, and massacred and forcefully deported Azerbaijani aborigines was the main reason for the lack of peace in the region. The laws of armed conflict failed to protect the Nagorno-Karabakh civilian population, individual civilians, and civilian property. The laws of armed conflict failed to discriminate between those taking parts in the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh. The laws of armed conflict failed to protect the environment as war causes severe or long term damage to the environment. The fact here is that there is a number of international doc...

Meine Aufgabe ist es, seit 2009 weltweit führenden Politikern dabei zu helfen, die Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Weltwirtschaft, die Industrie und das Finanzwesen verändern, um die wirtschaftliche Gesamtleistung zu verbessern und sich für eine bessere internationale Politik einzusetzen. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, internationalen Führungskräften in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Finanzwesen die Fakten und Einsichten zu vermitteln, auf die sie ihre politischen Entscheidungen stützen können.