Well, India is trying to direct its citizen attention towards China conflicts. This is the best way to hide indian government incompetence in handling COVID-19. If Indian government don't do this, it will lose the next election for sure. Lets write the facts that Indian army is weaker than Chinese army. Indian army is no match for China. History reveals that India started a war with China in 1962 but India suffered a humiliated defeat. India should learn some international law or use common sense. China has become stronger both economically and militarily. Moreover, China is relatively success in containing COVID - 19 that woud have increased their confidfence level further worldwide. Recently, consensus concluded that "China has reached the qualification of super power status". I am not saying that China is perfect. No nation is perfect. Nobody is perfect but we should find a common ground that is the best way forward. It is better for India to stop provoking its neighb...

Meine Aufgabe ist es, seit 2009 weltweit führenden Politikern dabei zu helfen, die Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Weltwirtschaft, die Industrie und das Finanzwesen verändern, um die wirtschaftliche Gesamtleistung zu verbessern und sich für eine bessere internationale Politik einzusetzen. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, internationalen Führungskräften in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Finanzwesen die Fakten und Einsichten zu vermitteln, auf die sie ihre politischen Entscheidungen stützen können.