To: The Right Honourable European Commission
President Hon. Jean-Claude Juncker
From: Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
Date: July 27, 2019
European Commission President, let me start by paying my respects to you and
through you to. One of my beloved ‘European Commission’ tweeted that “tackling
climate change can be a driver for growth and jobs”. It is absolutely true Hon.
President. In fact, I wrote to Hon. German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel dated
on June 28, 2019 that we never achieve a quantum leap of economic growth by
using first and second industrial revolutions in 21st century. We
need to switch to renewable technologies which should be competitive (clean
energy sources). None of the renewable technology is competitive. I believe
that future demand will shift to the most energy and environmentally efficient
products and investment in research to make products more energy efficient to
achieve quantum leap of economic growth in 21st century. We should
encourage more energy and environmentally efficient products by giving
incentives. I think, we lacked the vision and courage to take a radical step in
last decade. However, we realised it
today. It is true that market economies seem incompatible with the requirements
of change needed to prevent environmental catastrophe. If it is possible, we
need to change the economic development model within a defined period of time
tackling climate change by giving economic incentives to corporate Europe low greenhouse
gas particularly methane at sustainable costs. This will intend to change the
consumer habits so that consumers switch as much as possible to cleaner forms
of energy in 21st century.
President, most of the international media recommended that planting trillion
trees to tackle climate crisis. Planting more trees does not solve the problems
because tree planting would have a market effect on CO2 it
might reduce the need for other natural phenomena if we encouraged corporate
Europe low carbon. Moreover, CO2 gases are the problems very
much higher altitude. I doubt that planting more trees tackle climate change. It
will be fairly small part of the carbon solution. If we plant a trillion trees,
we’d put the earth back to pre-warming levels of carbon-dioxide. That’s it. Let’s talk realism, trees
are wonderful, lets plant trees. Trees and plants love carbon. CO2 is
vital plant nutrients which increases the growth rate of plants if more CO2
is available. The higher the CO2 concentration, the faster
growing plants, larger and more disease resistant plants are. Hence, for farming the higher the yield per
units of input there will be. Carbon dioxide is most important gases on the
earth. It consists of one part carbon and two parts oxygen. Increasing
carbon-dioxide does help photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use
carbon-dioxide to produce carbohydrates. Photosynthesis is absolutely necessary
for the survival of life for both humans and animals on earth as humans and
animals depend on plants for food. Carbon-dioxide is a by-product of metabolic
activity. Carbon-dioxide is required by plants to build tissues which are
absolutely essential to life. As a Chemist, no one has showed that
carbon-dioxide is a significant temperature driver either through past statistics
or computer simulation to date. It is already known that ice-core samples that CO2
does not drive the earth warming and cooling cycles but rather CO2
rises in response to the earth warming due to the oceans releasing
dissolved CO2. Hence, there
cannot be any run-away heating effect due to increased levels of CO2
or it would have already occurred Ice-Age or there could never be the Ice-Age
cycles. I learned from many climate change documentaries that greenhouse effect
in greenhouses was not due to CO2 accumulation but the suppression
of turbulent exchange with atmosphere outside of it. It is the difference
between greenhouse and an atmosphere with the input/output exchange with the
space environment for Earth. As a Distinguished Chemist, CO2 emissions
have a negligible warming effect. Because CO2 level fell during
winter and rose when summer happened. This fluctuation is not due to industrial
activity. It is natural phenomenon that related to the solubility of gases in
water depending upon the temperature of that water. Cold water absorbs and
holds more gas, when it warms it ejects gas claiming it caused warm as oceans
become warmer. Recently, I watched the video of Mr. Rush Limbaugh that Mars is
not heating up despite it has an atmosphere of 98 percent carbon-dioxide. But
Mr. Rush Limbaugh didn’t mention that 40 million more miles from the sun than
we are. I know that atmosphere of Mars is more than 100 times thinner and less
dense than Earth atmosphere. This is one of the major reasons Mars is not warmed
by the carbon-dioxide. Moreover, it was discovered that carbon-dioxide has the
properties of trapping heat. There is no controlled experiment that can
demonstrate carbon use is responsible for climate change. Increasing levels of
carbon-dioxide not only drive food crop growth rates but it allows crop growth
with less water, much less water which will result in a large increase in
arable land. The enhanced returns to agriculture not just drive agriculture
growth but it drive growth across the economy. Moreover, increasing level of
carbon dioxide is also drive forest growth rates. Thus, we should not rush to
condemn that CO2 as a danger. We are obviously serious lacking in
Hon. President, IMHO,
we need a solution that will make material impact in less than decade. There
are legions of dedicated European researchers who can find answer to some
aspects of climate change solutions. Something should be done to solve climate
change. Legions of dedicated researchers should make an effort to get measure
of what is being done about climate change. They need to find an enormous
number of peer review journals that covers climate change. If they started to
investigate the literature, I am pretty confident that they will find the body
of climate change that works. We should not fall into political alarmism like
the US which will make climate change transisition most difficult and with
worst results. Most of the government programmes are based on financialism. Our
EU government social programmes particularly climate change should not be based
on financialism which will fail simply. I have seen climate change statistics
in Google search. IMHO, making up climate change statistics is pretty pointless
unless this statistics will be useful for predicting how to address the climate
change problems. Similarly, words and virtue about climate change won’t do
anything. Every day we get masses of protests from celebrities and school
children. They all simply seeking publicity without the understanding of basic
facts of climate change which are of utmost importance.
Hon. President, there are many
international Medias to direct some trillion dollars on impeding climate change
progress. IMHO, it is the ultimate form of hubris. Most likely a waste of what
should be limited resources? No realistic solution as ever.
International media should take responsibility in order to tackle the climate
change in raising the awareness of facts and issues surrounding environments
and climate change. A recent good example of this would be the BBC documentary
narrated climate changes the facts. But we are not getting real copper bottomed
advice from world’s foremost atmospheric scientists, geophysicists, climatologists
or Pale-climatologists till date. We do not have workable comprehensive solutions
till date. IMHO, different types of actions are needed to fight climate change
because it is a chain reaction. Climate is a coupled non-linear chaotic system.
That kind of system cannot achieve balance but it is in continues change. Climate
change is also influenced by melting ice and permafrost which is beginning to
release its huge reserves of methane which is more than 50 percent more potent
a greenhouse gas than carbon-dioxide. Mercury emissions, greenhouse gas
emissions, use of HFCs that punch holes in our ozone layer, subtle changes of
the Sun spots, distance of the Earth from the Sun which changes the intensity
of the Sun itself and changing weather patterns and so on. Climate change has
many intractable problems that we face in global commons. Trying to model such
intractable problems is staggeringly hard. The real obstacles to overcome
climate change is issue of technology, economic impact and crucially
sociological. It is highly improbable to resolve climate change unless
effective and accountable global governance is created. Of course, this can’t
be delivered overnight. We need sensible solutions that overcome technological
issues, economic impact and sociological barrier like safety, health, standards
of living to resolve climate change. We will make good progress if we have more
properly enforced environmental and climate change policies.
Hon. President, some of the
environmentalists recommended reforestation. IMHO, reforestation would never be
delivered because it is very considerable practical constraints such as
suitable lands needs to be found and procured, we need support from communities
and governments, we need funding to be secured, seedling raised, labour sought
and so on. The constraints and risks make it impossible to achieve within any
realistic timeframe even if it is cost effective. Reforestation is not the sole
solution. Environmental policy need to be based on hard, crucial and verifiable
facts. Until we have a scientific breakthrough on climate change we have
limited options.
Hon. President, Paris Agreement is
one of most important agreement on the planet but it is not binding and it
doesn’t have the collective fortitude to make a strong statement about saving
the planet. Paris agreement mentioned the warming needs to be kept well below 2
degrees without defining what this is but the IPCC special report in October
2018 stated that the world needs to cut emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and net
zero by 2050 to keep warming up to 1.5 degrees to avert dangerous consequences.
There is a huge difference in consequences between the 1.5 degrees and 2
degrees scenarios. It is virtually impossible to assign the degree to which
climate change is manmade. Moreover, Paris Agreement doesn’t ask the nation who
is more than doubled their emissions to reduce the rate of emissions. Fake
projections and false assumptions putting into a macroeconomic model that is
more spacious than the climate change models. Science consists of multiple
disciplines such as discoveries and inventions but it is not solely about the
climate change. I don’t think there is a scientist in the world who believes to
stop climate change. IMHO, it is pointless to argue about climate change policy
when a solution is not in sight. As a Distinguished Chemist I believe that permafrost
releasing methane which is worst global warming gas than carbon-dioxide.
Industrial greenhouse gas emission is also accelerating the climate change.
Skilled Scientists should figure out about what would be required to cut
greenhouse gas emissions? And what extra carbon-dioxide in the air would do?
Hon. President, there is a huge
difference in consequences between environmental economists and ecological
economists. Environmental economists tend to use micro economic models but
Ecological economists tend to use less reductive techniques for ecosystem
services including payment. Moreover, IPCC policy is solely based on computer
simulations. As an Analyst, I knew that computer simulation can be attempted to
solved through approximations with degrees of uncertainty due to the
introduction of several own defined parameters. I say with confidence that
error must propagate when mathematical operations are performed through
approximate and uncertain data. Thus, IPCC environmental policy never fit in
with IPCC’s assigned climate change mission. IPCC’s executives and policy
makers may disagree with it. They may argue that there is a huge difference
between measurement and estimation. Measurement to the entire atmosphere is not
same as measuring the individual measurements. Measurement to the entire planet
is an estimate not measurement. I fully agreed but any cataclysmic prediction
by using computer simulation model as basis for environmental or climate change
or public policy must propagate error for sure. In addition, any predictions
that is derived from computer simulations that have not been able to reproduce
historical results and have so far uniformly failed to predict even near-term
changes. Mark my words. IMHO, we are gloating over economic slowdown without
actually doing anything for climate change or environment. I have said so
earlier, Carbon-dioxide is absolutely essential to life on earth. Carbon-dioxide
can be a resource. We are in serious carbon-dioxide drought since we implemented
carbon tax. Carbon tax will not make
statistically significant difference. But carbon tax intended to increase our
gasoline prices, carbon tax intended to increase our electricity rates and
carbon tax intended to increase our tax burden. Carbon tax is not the sole
solution. We have yet to invent new renewable technology which is more
competitive. Our carbon tax policy is pulling money out of the system. We could
have been used to put carbon into the ground through agricultural policy. We
are destroying our economy into misery in a vain attempt to control carbon-dioxide.
Methane is considerably more potent greenhouse gas than carbon-dioxide. We must
attempt to control methane rather than carbon-dioxide to tackle climate change.
I have to say the conclusion that we need European law immediately to control
or decrease methane level. We need to think how to make greener choices easier
and more affordable in Europe. The EU needs to do what it believes it is good
for Europe and for the world if the EU care about its global role. We should
not wait until another nation does something to tackle climate change in order
to follow. If we do zero carbon emissions, either we won’t get better nor get
worse. The missing point here is the carbon molecule in methane that actually
contributes directly to global warming because methane retains heat when
exposed to sunlight unlike carbon-dioxide. Methane is being released in vast
quantities as huge caches of the gas and flow into the atmosphere as that
permafrost melts at unprecedented rates. IMHO, methane must be addressed to
tackle climate change. We are the first generation to experience the effects of
climate change and the last to be able to do anything about it. We need more
research and development to tackle climate change because addressing climate
change requires many solutions. Planting trees to absorb and store carbon is
one practical ingredient but it is not the sole solution. There is sole
solution to tackle climate change by controlling or decreasing methane level in
the planet.
Let’s hope we will make good
progress to tackle climate change in the near future.
Danke für
Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
schütze dich mit
gutter gesundheit!
Aufrichtige Grüße,
Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
Tamil Nadu
NOTE: It is an opinion Paper not a research paper.
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