To: The Right Hon’ble Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens From: Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja Date: October3, 2012 RE: Interest Rate Cut 25bps. Good Afternoon Mr. Governor. It was definitely a prudent decision by cutting the key rate by 25 bps. The global economy is still pretty uncertain. In US, if we look at recent GDP data, there is definitely not optimism there. In Europe, economy recovery is very slow process. In addition, China economy is slowing down which is the main downside risk of Australian economy. It is my judgment that, a decline in iron ore prices compounded with stubbornly high dollar compelling you to cut key rate 25 basis points. Mr. Governor, each and every policy decision you are proving that you are the world best central banker. Your efforts to controlling inflation, interest rate management, currency stability and economic growth goals. You are perfect Mr. Governor in your profession. I think that you have made the right move th...

Meine Aufgabe ist es, seit 2009 weltweit führenden Politikern dabei zu helfen, die Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Weltwirtschaft, die Industrie und das Finanzwesen verändern, um die wirtschaftliche Gesamtleistung zu verbessern und sich für eine bessere internationale Politik einzusetzen. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, internationalen Führungskräften in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Finanzwesen die Fakten und Einsichten zu vermitteln, auf die sie ihre politischen Entscheidungen stützen können.