Well, Germany & France proposed 500 billion Euro to contain the economic damage and kick-start the EU economic recovery. Indeed, it's the EU economic downturn that needs a economic policy response. I observed some of the member states had economic growth for the past 10 years but their states politicians refused to control their spending and continued to have deficits. The EU should provide financing the member states that are responsible with their spending. Otherwise it would be a grave mistake from the EU and the EU will come to the rescue. I want the European Commission President Hon. Ursula von der Leyen should tighter the member states integration and press for greater fiscal responsibility across the 27 member states along with structural reforms so that the EU will kick-start the economic recovery. Otherwise the EU will miss the pragmatic approach. Remember. Mr. Bruno said on BBC Hard Talk couple of days back that debt to GDP at 115 percent in 2021. We ha...

Meine Aufgabe ist es, seit 2009 weltweit führenden Politikern dabei zu helfen, die Kräfte zu verstehen, die die Weltwirtschaft, die Industrie und das Finanzwesen verändern, um die wirtschaftliche Gesamtleistung zu verbessern und sich für eine bessere internationale Politik einzusetzen. Meine Arbeit besteht darin, internationalen Führungskräften in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Finanzwesen die Fakten und Einsichten zu vermitteln, auf die sie ihre politischen Entscheidungen stützen können.