From: Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
Date: August 27, 2012
RE: Setup a special committee to solve the problems that Tamilnadu facing daily
Suggestion: Special Commitee must be tied to a politics of everyday work and problem solving to enhance the welfare and quality of life for Tamilnadu people.
Suggestion: Special Commitee must be tied to a politics of everyday work and problem solving to enhance the welfare and quality of life for Tamilnadu people.
Good Morning Ms. Chief Minister. I exclusively agreed that it is almost impossible to solve all the problems of all the people in our state because People needs are growing more rapidly than government resources. I also agreed that we are doing much better than previous government but still we need to improve lot Ms. Chief Minister. We need to bring lots of improvements in our states including industry development (yes, I am proud to say that Tamilnadu is one of the most industralised state in India), getting the jobs for unemployed, Tit for Tit rule for though not perfect in government offices, take strong action to quell the violence, getting house for slums, improving our education system (yes, I am proud to say that our education system far better than other states but still we need to improve our education system to international standard). We need to take care of almost every aspect in a day’s time. I would like to recommend set up a special committee who can interact directly with public daily at least for an hour over the phone and listen their problems and try to solve their problems more efficiently and effectively as earliest as possible. That means where people in different places in Tamilnadu can reach the special committee with their problems or grievances over the phone. If it is necessary, the special committee should visit the problems site to set things right. This would make a drastic change to the society under your government so that the people want you to become the Chief Minister forever.
When you set up a special committee you must ensure that they should have ability to identify problems or grievances, try to collect accurate information, then, analyse the problem more deeply why it happened. Thereafter, try to identify possible solutions, then, select the best solution among them and finally execute it more accurately and instantaneously. I also agreed that all the problems cannot be solved instantaneously. For instance, if problems or grievances are fund related, we cannot solve it instantaneously. Those types of issues would be executed in the next budget. The Special Committee should understand far better what is necessary to make our people what they want it to be and they support both government and people efforts to address the issues much more fully. So that problems get solved and people achieve their dreams. They have to build the relationship between government and people. They should have effective outreach to the people. They must understand as people get more involved, they become more demanding. As a result, the task becomes more difficult as time goes on. They should give preferences to the priority issues. If they promise it, they should do it with integrity and serves the people better. Their action aim’s to solve daily problems within Tamilnadu.
Ms. Chief Minister, I recommend to set up a special committee to solve our state problems on daily basis because you cannot visit problem site everyday with your security. It is also impossible. Your life is more value for us Ms. Chief Minister. Your prowess in achieving things what you have in mind was already well proved. For instance, You have done a successful implementation of Veeranam project which was abandoned by DMK government. You resolved water woos in a big way for Chennai city where people were waiting daily with empty pots for water tanker to arrive the street. Another one was making a rainwater harvesting imperative which is one of the main reasons we are getting a good amount of rainfall nowadays. I am confident that you will definitely achieve your vision 2023 too as you have tremendous support from people of Tamilnadu they have enormous faith in you this time. I have lot of hope that you would make Tamilnadu one of the best places for everything.
Many people in Tamilnadu today complain about the government and issues but often don’t know how to make change. I firmly believe in young people with good knowledge to identify and fix problems. As you knew that solving problems is a complex process and special committee members should have better at skills at all stages so that they can deliver effective solution. For instance, it should be methodical, commitment to solving the problem, good interpreting the problem, good knowledge of the techniques or processes involved in problem so that they can use techniques or processes effectively, concoction of analytical and creative thinking skills, and of course, effective execution. Special committee members should have the ability to switch from one type of skills to the other and back again when it is necessary to solve the problem more effectively and efficiently.
Ms. Chief Minister, as you knew that solving people problems is the most important role of the Chief Minister, followed by law making, holding your government to more accountable and endorsing economy of our state. Ms. Chief Minister, we always wanted Tamilnadu people will always be remembered as one of the best Chief Minister. You have excellent leadership skills, crisis management such as power, dam etc, political skills and wonderful personality. We all want you to be one of the most active Chief Minister of Tamilnadu in history and help Tamilnadu become a better place for everything. I cannot make any difference in my life but you can because you are holding an important position that make a difference. Please accept my best wishes for your magnificence continued good health and happiness, and for the peace, progress and prosperity of Tamilnadu.
I am Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja with great respect of you Ms. Chief Minister.
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