To: The Right Honorable American President Barack Obama
From: Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
RE: US Economy
Good Morning President. Yesterday I just tuned into BBC World, they were talking about same story of American economy. Let me be very clear, I am really disappointed that you promise to fix the problems but you are eventually failed to fix the problems. You have done everything wrong and made everything worse 9.1% unemployment, trillions upon trillions in corrupt spending like record number of people on food stamps and record unemployment payouts, finally you added trillions with healthcare industry giveaway which does nothing to tackle the 50% of health spending that is wasted. I kept on insisting you that if you ever want to get out of this economic crisis you need to invest in the economy. Unemployment rates are getting hire people are out of work and no one is spending money. But your economy is more (if I am not mistaken 71% of GDP) depends on consumer spending. I have said so in the month of January 2010, federal actually need to spend money to create jobs by fixing all of your roads, bridges, train rails, renewable solar energy and high speed rails across America , it would create thousands of jobs. So that you would be able to save trillions on unemployment and food stamps that is now spending and will never get back those trillions. In addition, I request you to reward those companies that manufacture local and give them tax breaks to make up for the extra cost of labor so that you can bring back them manufacturing jobs to America. Impose heavy tax for the companies who ship the jobs to overseas. It is very simple theory you have to spend money to make money bottom-line. You are failed to execute this idea in the month of January 2010. If you could have executed it, you may turnaround American economy now.
Let me conclude it President, if you are not fixing the problems as earliest as possible, your republicans are not going to re-elect you in the future. I still hope that you will take decisive decision to save global economy.
Thank you very much for your kind attention President.
Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
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