To: The Right Honorable President Obama
From; Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja
RE: US Unemployment Issue
Good Morning Mr. President. I have a high hope for you but you have been a disappointment to me because you have failed to make the case for more stimuli now until the lost jobs are recovered. As you knew that US economy is based on consumer spending. If you want to get back your economy on track you have to address the problem of 9.1% unemployment. US have 9.1% unemployment and unemployment payouts are not good stimulus. I would recommend you to not to implement deficit reduction measures until the lost jobs are recovered. You have recovered over two million jobs in the last 15 months. You are still short 7 million jobs when you take into account the decline in government jobs at the state and local level. I think you need to continue more stimuli something for which you have failed to make the case. As for the idea that higher tax rates would mean more revenue but that is false. It is no accident that reductions in the higher rates of tax have always meant more revenue in American history. If I am not mistaken, this was true under the Harding and Coolidge. Mr. President sometimes you admit that the drive to increase tax rates has nothing to do with reducing the deficit. Sometimes not. It was an inextricable delusion. You will do nothing to really reduce government spending as opposed to reduce tax expenditure or get rid of the bubble economy.
Mr. President you should have endorsed the recommendation of your budget commission making sure that the implementation of those deficit reduction measures waited until the lost jobs are recovered and you should be making a stronger case for stimulus which addresses the problem of unemployment.
Thank you very much for your kind attention Mr. President.
Athinarayanan Sanjeevraja.
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